South African Indian Curry Recipes

Durban 2Bchops 2Bchutney 2Brecipe
South African Indian Curry Recipes, Lamb

Durban chops chutney recipe

We did not celebrate Christmas in the religious sense of the word, but childhood in South Africa was marked by a few Christmas traditions eg. sending and receiving Christmas cards, having a Christmas tree, making Christmas cake and spending the day with family. This meant ample time at the dining […]

samp and beans recipe
Durban Curry, South African Indian Curry Recipes

Samp Recipes South Africa

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will know that all recipes featured here have endearing childhood memories associated with them. None however to the same extent as samp! Amma‘s samp was braised in butter, with decadent amounts of thinly sliced onions, dried chillies and jeera.  It […]