
The Science of Spice review

The Science of Spice Book Review

 I was attracted to the title of this book, because I wanted to know more about spice and how to use them. Since reading it, this book has lived up to all my expectations. I have a better understanding of the origin of spices and how to pair them and […]

hunger for freedom food and nelson mandela

Hunger for Freedom – Food in the Life of Nelson Mandela

Described by author Anna Trapido as a ‘gastro political’ script rather than a recipe book – Hunger for Freedom: Food in the Life of Nelson Mandela chronicles the life of former President Mandela – through memory and identity located in the preparation and consumption of food. From early memories of […]

Indian Sweet Cookery Review

Indian Sweet Cookery Book Review

Several readers requested more sweetmeat recipes just before Diwali 2011. Unfortunately I was unable to find most ingredients needed to make popular Diwali Sweets. I will make up for this next Diwali. In preparation I have been looking into a few books about Sweet Making. Unfortunately there is a limited […]


Indian Delights A Book Review

Since its first publication in 1961 Indian Delights by the Women’s Cultural Group, has retained pole position as the most comprehensive guide to Indian Food in South Africa. One could argue, the reason for this claim to  fame is that it is the only book in publication covering this topic. […]