Easy Way to Clean Brass – Silverware or Copper without Polish


Fridays were Amma’s main day of cleaning-unlike her weekday cleaning regimen-Friday chores included washing and polishing her lamp and shining the brassware. Unfortunately I did not inherit Amma’s patience or love for chores. If you too find yourself short of time or without the will to polish brassware, silverware or copper ornaments – there is a simple way to do it…did I mention cheaper too! All you need is lemon juice and baking powder or bicarbonate of soda to clean brassware, sliced lemon for copper items and bicarb or baking powder and aluminium foil to clean tarnished silverware.

How To Clean Brassware If You Don’t Have Any Brass Polish


 A simple substitute for Brass polish is one made from baking powder or bicarbonate of soda mixed with lemon juice or water.

  • Combine the two ingredients  to form a weak polish like texture. Wait until the the bubbles stop then apply the solution to the brassware. 

  • Leave for 5-10minutes then polish off with a soft cloth or tissue paper or rinse off then allow to dry.

Easy Way To Clean Silver 


One of the simplest ways to clean silver is by using bicarbonate of soda. There are two methods the first is to make a paste similar to the one described above and the second uses aluminium foil and bicarbonate of soda. The Bicarb reacts with the aluminium giving off a Sulphur Dioxide like smell but does result in shockingly clean silverware! (pictured above).


  • Line a shallow pan or dish with aluminum foil. Place the silverware in the lined pan. 
  • Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda. 
  • Add 1-2 liters hot water .Leave aside for 15-20 minutes then rinse. Allow to dry. 

Easy Way To Clean Copper 


The simplest way to clean copper is to use slices of lemon sprinkled with salt. Simply rub the salted lemon over the copper. Pat dry with a soft clothe.


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